Workit Health reviews from 2024
See what our members say about Workit Health’s program
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“Workit Health works for me because ...”
Real members who took their lives back from addiction.
I decided to live! So I had to learn how! Workit Health has been an instrument in showing me the way to my true self!
Workit Health saved my life six years ago! I’ve never been happier and healthier in my life!
I’ve been given back the freedom that addiction took from me so many years ago!
Workit Health gives me more time to do the things I love like my music.
I have been with Workit Health for a little over 2 years. I have not relapsed once in that time.
Leigh’s Story
After losing her love to overdose, Leah committed to her recovery and rebuilt her life. Today, she is free from the domination of opioids.
Gloria’s Story
Workit Health has been a game changer in my life. I live a completely different lifestyle and I am the total opposite person of who I used to be.
Debbie’s Story
After nearly 15 years of daily prescription opiate use, Debbie’s health was wrecked. Finding Workit Health gave her a way to recover that fits her life.
Ryan’s Story
After a childhood profoundly affected by his father’s addiction, an injury started Ryan down a similar path. Now he’s found a way to break the cycle, to be a present and positive part of his kids’ lives.
Destiny’s Story
After relapses, multiple ODs, and an arrest, Destiny thought opioids had destroyed her life. In recovery, she has rebuilt it into something she is passionate about.
Stacy’s Story
With the shame of being a mother in opioid addiction behind her and the love and support of her family ahead of her, Stacy found recovery.
Adam’s Story
Adam’s recovery journey hasn’t run smoothly. He’s had to navigate grief, health crises, and a global pandemic. But with support, he’s made it to nine years of recovery.
Judi’s Story
Prescription pain medication started as a treatment for Judi’s pain but led her into destuctive addiction. This well educated teacher found a recovery solution in Workit Health.
Is Workit Health the right program for you?
Whole-person care
Workit Health’s whole-person care—including recovery groups, Shared Medical Appointments, medication when appropriate, and treatment for co-occurring disorders—addiction care that treats people like an individual.
Workit Health offers flexible pricing that’s significantly lower than traditional inpatient programs, making it ideal for those who rely on self-pay for healthcare. Additionally, we accepts many major insurance plans, providing a great option for people seeking coverage.
Workit Health’s 100% online program is a good fit for people who want clinical care without spending time in waiting rooms or inpatient treatment.
Don’t take our word for it—see what our members say
This page highlights 5-star reviews of Workit Health that have been publicly shared in app stores. To read all reviews, view them on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.