Adam’s Story

Adam's recovery journey hasn't run smoothly. He's had to navigate grief, health crises, and a global pandemic. But with support, he's made it to nine years of recovery.

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In this article

My name is Adam. I live on Michigan’s beautiful West Coast near Lake Michigan. I love some of the typical stereotypical things a gay man loves: gardening, reading, writing, and antiques. I also delve into the teachings of East Asian Buddhism. In March of 2024, I celebrated nine years in recovery!

Like many others, my addiction arose from health issues

I fell prey to opioid addiction after having bariatric weight loss surgery in 2002. One of the common side effects is malabsorption. This means when I ate the little portions I was allowed to eat and when I took oral medication like pain pills, I couldn’t absorb the food or medication normally. My body became deficient in a lot of nutrients.

Back then, the thinking was that I should double up on all supplements and anything else I was required to take orally. My doctor also let me go back to work too early and I ended up with an incisional hernia which was very painful. I was on 240 Norco 10/325 a month and enough liquid Lortab for breakthrough pain to put an elephant down! So, that’s where it all began.

I had a terrifying wake-up call

Now, I do not and will not put all of the blame on my doctors. Even after the pain went away, I chose to continue taking the meds because I started to like how they made me feel. Then one day, I woke up in the emergency room after overdosing and crashing my car. It scared me so badly because I had been on my way home after dropping off my 1 yr old great-niece. Had I started overdosing and gone into the seizure when she was in the car with me, I could have killed her. I also got lucky because no one else was hurt or worse, killed.

Looking back over the last nine years, there have been some challenges. I was clean and sober for 6 months when my mom passed away on November 1, 2014. I had moved back home to care for her. In many ways, being able to hold her hand and be there for her when she took her last breath was both a blessing and a curse. It hit me very hard. I had a total meltdown and I relapsed.

I needed to be there for my family, so I sought help

With my mom gone, there was no one to care for my dad. You see, she was his everything for 45 years as well as his caregiver. When I was young, my dad was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. On top of that, in 2013 he was diagnosed with early onset dementia. It was a lot! Being my dad’s only child, I promised my mom I wouldn’t let anyone put him in a home. At the time of my mom’s passing, my dad had a state-sanctioned guardian and conservator. I knew if I didn’t get myself together, I was going to fail him and break the promise I made to my mom.

So on March 4, 2015, I walked into Arbor Circle in my hometown of Newaygo, MI, and got help. I already had the knowledge I’d gained from getting clean and sober before my mom passed, but Arbor Circle gave me the support I lost when I lost my mom.

The COVID-19 pandemic was devastating

On May 19, 2019, my dad passed away from pneumonia. I believe in my soul it was COVID. Not even a week after burying him, I returned back to work from bereavement leave. I had not felt good for a few days, but I had ignored it because I’d had so much prep to do for my dad’s funeral. I suddenly passed out and woke up in the ICU 8 days later. My diagnosis: pneumonia. It was horrible! I spent 3 weeks in the hospital. Then the pandemic hit and everyone at my job was sent home and the world stopped.

During the pandemic, I lost 11 family members to COVID between 2020 to 2022. I myself got COVID in 2020 and it was terrible and scary. My Mexican side—my dad’s side of the family—were dropping like flies. I refused to go to the hospital because I was afraid of not coming home. Somehow, by the grace of the Goddess and the love and light of Buddha, I made it through. I went through all of this sober and maintained my recovery.

I beat the odds and made it through nine years in recovery

I sit here today and cannot believe I didn’t give up! I am often asked how I beat the odds. Someone who had the cards stacked totally against him was able to—once and for all—overcome! Like I said, I beat the odds and have been very lucky throughout my nine years in recovery. I attribute my success to two key elements of recovery 101, “Change your persons, places, and things,” and, “One day at a time!”

I’m at a point in my life where I truly want to help others who are struggling—especially those of us who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Addiction runs rampant in our community, and I know there are a lot of people out there who ARE suffering in silence because of the negative stigma that surrounds addiction and because, as a part of the LGBTQIA+ community, they already feel judged.  This prevents them from walking into a room and asking for help.

To anyone suffering with addiction, I will simply tell you, “You’re not alone.” And the old cliche, “If I can do it, so can you!”

Alaine Sepulveda is a content strategist in recovery from alcohol. She believes that engaging people and sharing stories with them allows us to spread knowledge, and to help others in the path to recovery. She holds an MA in Communication Studies from New Mexico State University.

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