The idea of being sober for thirty days can be a daunting task.
Something sparked you to this point, some kind of change, some kind of recognition. Here are some of the symptoms you can experience from coming off of a substance: Depression, Anxiety, Fatigue, Restlessness, Appetite Issues, Shakes, Nausea, Vomiting, and Vivid Dreams. There is a lot more depending on the substance you were using. None of this sounds fun at all. Here is a list of things you can do to get through your first thirty days of sobriety:
- Hydration- Drink plenty of fluids (water, Gatorade, Vitamin Water) especially in the early days of sobriety.
- Food- Eating is important to replenish our body with nutrients we were replacing with our substances. Many people tend to eat a lot of salty and sugary foods. That is okay! It is normal and in the end, it’s better to eat that than our choice of substance.
- Movement- This is baby steps. More than likely you will not want to, nor can get out of bed. When you start to feel better, and up to it, start moving. Whether it be going for a walk or lifting weights, getting your body moving.
- Support- Having a friend or family member to lean on is very important. Someone you can call and tell all your feelings to. Someone you can reach out to when you feel in crisis. Someone, that can take you out of your negative moods.
- Saying “No”- It is okay to say “no.” Your body and mind are going through a lot of changes right now. Your physical body and mind is your greatest asset. If something doesn’t feel right, it is okay to say “no”.
- Journaling- I personally feel journaling was a huge part of my recovery journey. Write down anything and everything. Whether you are mad, angry, sad, depressed, or even happy, write it all down. One day you can go back and read all the ups and downs, and see the growth you have had.
- Activities- Our using, can take over our day-to-day lives. It becomes an intricate part of our lives. We have to find activities to fill our available time. Try everything. Our senses are heightened and everything will seem new. You might be surprised as to what you will enjoy.
- Goals- Make goals for yourself. Short term and long term. This will put a positive outlook as to why you are choosing sobriety.
- Exit Plan- When you decide to venture out it is good to have an “exit plan” if a situation makes you want to use a substance. That can be as easy as calling someone in your support system. Rather than driving with a group, use your own transportation.
- Be Kind to Yourself- This seems like the easiest yet it is the hardest to do. You’re physical, mental, and emotional being is going through a huge transition. You will not be 100% better immediately. It takes time and a ton of patience.
You should be proud of yourself. The idea to make this change is a huge accomplishment alone. You will have ups and downs, but I promise the end result will be worth it all.